Almond Milk Turmeric Latte; bye-bye inflammation

When you feel that inflammation kick in and your joints start hurting, it’s time for a turmeric latte (Gaia Herbs Golden Milk powder) made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and sweetened with a little CBD honey! Last year at this time I ended up with parvo virus then relapsed in November. The relapse was worse than the first time and now I’m working on healing my body from the damage it caused. Lots of turmeric, CBD and Chinese herbs have literally saved me! From barely even being able to stand, I am now able to work out again and function normally. Occasionally I get flare ups, like today. It usually comes when I get a little sick, hormones or the weather. If you struggle with inflammation I highly recommend taking gluten out of your diet and adding lots of turmeric, fish oil, CBD and Chinese herbs.

You ready to make this healing latte? I love to drink it every night after dinner, before bed! Now, you can easily make this with turmeric powder and some spices. To make it easier on myself and to be able to quickly whip this up, I splurged and purchased Gaia Herbs Golden Milk powder (well it was on sale, soo..). However, I LOVE it! As you know, I love making everything from scratch, but this powder is amazing. They also include a few recipes, some add Ghee (I have yet to try it). I do recommend their powder for this drink! Now I wish they could see me talking so highly about their product so I can get more! Hey, Gaia Herbs! Can I be a rep? lol 😉


1 teaspoon, Gaia Herbs Golden Milk Powder

1 cup Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk (or any other non dairy milk)

1 teaspoon CBD honey, or more to your liking (or use your usual raw organic honey. CBD is great for inflammation)

sprinkle of cinnamon for garnish


  1. Heat the almond milk in a small saucepan. Add the golden milk powder and whisk in until combined. I have an electric milk frother that I use so I can get that yummy foam.
  2. Remove from heat and stir in honey.
  3. Pour into your favorite mug, sprinkle with cinnamon. Now sit back and sip on this glorious drink as you watch a wood fire crackle and burn (even if it’s a video on your tv, lol). It’s still great ambiance!

Enjoy the healing benefits of this drink and relax into your evening.


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